The Thanksgiving Chicken and the Invention of Deadlines
Thursday November 22, 2012: 14 weeks 3 days So, I'm 14 weeks now and we have been continuing to keep this pregnancy a secret. No one but our immediate family and a few close friends has been privy to our good news over the last three months. I know people who have kept up with Josh and I on our journey to become parents are not surprised by our (well mostly my) secrecy. I am still terrified all the time waiting for the bad news to come. To tell the world out loud that we are pregnant and pregnant with twins would be the ultimate relinquishing of control, which is my biggest enemy to faith. If those words get said out loud, I cannot take them back, I cannot know the conversations that might take place away from my presence, and I cannot shake the feeling that I would be jinxing myself and these babies if I am honest. We decided we were going to share our news on Thanksgiving....what more could we be thankful for?! It seemed like th...