
Showing posts from March, 2014

Ten Month: Reflections

The coldest, snowiest, yuckiest winter I have experienced in my thirty years of living is still raging on.  My boys have been cooped up, but they are still growing and experiencing the world like crazy! What We Learned About Nolan Gerard: As we've been exploring more table food, Nolan has been interesting on how he's handled things.  First and not surprising, when Nolan first tries something new, his face is one of disgust.  As I've mentioned before, Nolan may look like Josh, but has many personality characteristics of mine.  One thing I am famous for is being that person who orders the exact same thing at restaurants.  I don't like change; I live a lot by the motto of, 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it.'  Nolan assumes that he isn't going to like something new. Usually that ends up not being the case (he's pretty much inhaled everything he's been given), but he is cautious at new things at first.  Secondly, and also not surprising is that ...

Month 10: Videos

Something new I'm trying is to upload my favorite cell phone videos of the boys each month.  I wish I would've thought of this sooner.  I'm sure there is a way to mix these in with the videos I'm shooting from our video camera and I've tried to figure it out, believe me, but I haven't cracked the code yet so they've just been sitting on Josh's and my phone.  This way, I at least know they've ended up somewhere :)   

Tiny Moments This Holiday Season

**I am posting this blog super late; it kinda got lost in the shuffle :) ** Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year'shave come and gone!  This year, everything about the holidays is magnified by two precious boys. The trickiness of coordinating schedules is magnified now that I have children who thrive on a predictable schedule that includes a morning and afternoon nap.  The amount of  stuff brought to both Josh and my parents' houses is magnified now that diapers, toys, baby food, blankets, car seats, etc etc have entered the mix.  The trouble of finding time to research, bake, and cook new recipes is magnified now that I have mobile boys who need attention. More importantly though, the amount of love is magnified!  Nolan and Judah have two sets of grandparents plus four aunts and an uncle and countless other family and friends to love all over them during this holiday season. I, as a mom, have ...