Twelve Months of Take-A-Ways
Now that Nolan and Judah's first birthday is here, I can't help but reflect a lot on how incredible and life-changing these last twelve months have been for me (and for Josh). While I know there will be enough gushiness in other blogs I will write, I decided to give a nod to the not-so-glamorous take-a-ways I've had throughout this last year. I have leaned A LOT A LOT A LOT . Here are the twelve most practical things I learned during Nolan and Judah's first year (one for each month): MONTH ONE: Breast feeding is NO joke... it is difficult and time consuming and not without it's struggles and set backs. We were not naturals at breastfeeding and had to work at it a LOT before we got it right. With that being said, I am SO grateful I stuck with it! MONTH TWO: Smiles from babies can cure just about anything, including, but not limited to: sleep deprivation, witching hour, having awake babies in the middle of the night when they should be sleeping, etc....