Judah's Allergies & Tears in Foods for Living
We've been trying to get the bottom of Judah's skin issues for a long while now. We've seen his pediatrician, a dermatologist, and an allergist several times over the last year JUST to talk about Judah's skin (that's a lot of $30 co-pays). We've always been told he has baby eczema and that it will pass. When he was a very little baby, that answer was fine for me because he would go through ebbs and flows with it; sometimes his skin would be totally clear and then he'd have a flair up for a couple of weeks. The winters were worse because it was drier out and in the summer, his skin was usually completely clear. But for the last year, he's had bad skin the entire time, no ebb and flow. So I started to get more frustrated and asking questions. He got his allergies tested a year ago, I probably told you, and they tested for all the regular most common allergies and he came back totally clear, but his skin still wasn't. So after several appointment...