8 Weeks In: What is life like with four kids?!
Bringing Preston home from the hospital was exciting and so scary! What in the WORLD was it going to be like to have four kids, four boys, all five and under, at home together all summer long?! I wasn't sure what the dynamic was going to be between each child and Preston and how my relationships with my boys were going to shift and change now that I was going to have a new baby attached to me. Thankfully, Josh took off a couple of weeks so that we could adjust, initially, as a full family of six. Having both parents around allowed for sneaking in cat naps here and there, being able to spend one-on-one time with each boy or pairing off into some smaller groups, and it helped people get the attention that they needed and deserved. As Josh eased back into work I will admit I was terrified- Preston was eating around the clock, and the three bigger boys were in preschool and sports. How would I ever manage? Just like with any new experience, you...