
Showing posts from January, 2019

Disney IS the Most Magical Place on Earth

My family is a Disney family. On a scale of 1 to completely obsessed, I'd say we are at maybe an 8? a 7.5? While we don't exclusively have Disney Christmas decorations or dress in Disney apparel constantly, or go to the park yearly (although we all totally would), we will massacre you in Disney Scene It! or other any other Disney trivia game, quote Disney movies regularly on our group chat, and rush out to see the newest Disney flick at the movie theatre. We also relish an opportunity to talk with ANYONE about how much we love Walt Disney World. This affinity for Disney definitely came from my mom. She went to Disney World shortly after it opened to celebrate her high school graduation and fell in love. She loved it so much, in fact, that she dragged my dad there on their honeymoon- a man who hates crowds, gets motion sickness on even the wussiest ride, and is terrified of flying in an airplane. I followed right in her footsteps celebrating my honeymoon at Disney World also...

#OneWord 2019: Will

Before moving forward into 2019, I want to give a nod to 2018 and say thank you. 2018 brought Preston Huron Hundt into our lives completing our family. I finished carrying my last baby. My biggest achievement surrounding this is to be a functioning parent of four young children. In my excitement of our fourth baby being born, there was a fear of what that would look like- could Josh and I really do this life with four kids?! I have made it eight months into being a mom of four boys. We go out in public (sometimes), we do things, we get things done, we take care of each other, we have fun. It is NOT easy, but I am here and doing it and wouldn't have it any other way. Now for setting new goals and intentions for the next twelve months... I have been choosing one word to focus on instead of a New Year's Resolution to keep me focused over the last several years. This year, I'm choosing the world WILL. Thankfully, because I am anything but concise, WILL has several meanings,...