#OneWord 2019: Will

Before moving forward into 2019, I want to give a nod to 2018 and say thank you. 2018 brought Preston Huron Hundt into our lives completing our family. I finished carrying my last baby. My biggest achievement surrounding this is to be a functioning parent of four young children. In my excitement of our fourth baby being born, there was a fear of what that would look like- could Josh and I really do this life with four kids?! I have made it eight months into being a mom of four boys. We go out in public (sometimes), we do things, we get things done, we take care of each other, we have fun. It is NOT easy, but I am here and doing it and wouldn't have it any other way.

Now for setting new goals and intentions for the next twelve months... I have been choosing one word to focus on instead of a New Year's Resolution to keep me focused over the last several years. This year, I'm choosing the world WILL.

Thankfully, because I am anything but concise, WILL has several meanings, which allow me to explore the word deeper and generate all kinds of ways I'd like to show growth in 2019.

*WILL: verb: expressing inevitable events.*
In general, I want to say I'm going to do things and then do them. When I say I WILL do something, I WILL. More specifically, here are some things I WILL be doing:
  • I WILL take my vitamins every day (have them sorted for the week and just DO IT).
  • I WILL make time to read/write (two minute morning journal, blogging, reading at least three times a week before bed).
  • I WILL make time for prayer and spiritual growth (daily devotional). 
  • I WILL put my phone down (hide and delete apps, no-tech Tuesday, check email less).
WILL also has a second meaning, which has also spoken to me as I layout my intentions for 2019...

*WILL: noun: the faculty by which a person decides on and initiates action.*
This definition of WILL is what first brought me to this one word decision. I need to be more thoughtful and steadfast in my actions towards things that are difficult. Even though I am an extremely persevering and determined human, I have some things that take me a LOT to show progress and even more to accomplish- I'm sure we all do. These are some items that need my attention and strong WILL:
  • I WILL get healthy (track food on Weight Watchers).
  • I WILL exercise (micro exercise- five minutes at least five days a week plus spinning).
  • I WILL take care of myself (putting this one here since I'm slacking on taking vitamins and my last haircut was nine months ago). 
  • I WILL get my WILLpower back (come on you, control freak- get control of yourself).
Each of these things are HUGE priorities to me, at least that's what I say and what I truly believe. However, my actions don't always match it- they just don't. I let too many day-to-day things get in my way of achieving these things. I cave fast, I allow distractions and derailments, I get UNfocused in these priorities and focused on what's in front of me at the time. For me, this comes down to my will and my willpower. I've lost both (my will and willpower) when it comes to fitness, nutrition, balance, and self-care. When I am not taking care of myself in these ways, my energy is lower, my patience is less, and I cannot put my best self into my most important jobs of wife and mother. You can't take care of others if you haven't taken care of yourself.

My biggest task in 2019 is get back the power of my will, the control over my will. I know it is the only way these others items WILL happen with any kind of success. A daunting task, but I am ready.

Happy 2019! What would your #oneword be? 


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