#OneWord 2019: Reflections

Each January, I decide to focus my New Year's Resolutions (or intentions) through one word. This helps me to keep it simple.

2019's #oneword was WILL. Will has two meanings. One is about action- saying you will do something.

This past year, my intentions for action were laid out with these goals:
  • I WILL take my vitamins every day
  • I WILL make time to read/write 
  • I WILL make time for prayer and spiritual growth
  • I WILL put my phone down
During 2019, I took vitamins more than I have in a long time. I researched all different things my body should have to keep me healthy. Researching for me, also meant researching about what Josh needs and the boys need. I learned about ingredients and how to get good things into my body as natural as possible. 

I read a lot and wrote a lot. Taking time to read or write has morphed tremendously when I began my educational content writing for Project Explorer. I've technically wrote more than I ever have and that feels great. I also created more blogs than I have since 2013. I was less intentional than I thought about journaling. I know how powerful journaling can be and I even have a morning journal I really like. I did well for a while, but that totally dropped off.

I made some improvements checking my email less and being more intentional about how I use my phone.  

As for my spiritual growth, I think that's the place for which I'm most disappointed in 2019. I need work there, plain and simple. I'd like to be meditating, I'd like to be reading, I'd like to be spending quiet time in prayer. This all comes down to needing to be intentional with my 'me' time.  

WILL also has a second piece- having will, having perseverance, having determination. I wanted to practice will to allow me to do each of these things more:

  • eating healthy
  • exercising
  • taking care of myself
  • using willpower to set limits and boundaries  
Each of these things had ebbs and flows of doing better at times and doing terrible at times. To celebrate, I think I did the best at exercising. I wanted to try micro exercising- doing a little bit each day instead of doing longer workouts less often. I did see the benefits of that and did find myself having a couple of months where I worked out almost every single day. That made me feel really proud. 

The worst of these, I think, is the last one... my willpower. Particularly with food. I'm writing this to weighing more than I have in many years (without being pregnant). I'm not saying no, I'm not setting limits on how much or how often I indulge or eat 'bad.' 

Overall, I really liked this #oneword, WILL was probably my favorite #oneword I've ever done. I reflected on it often, I set and re-set goals throughout the year, and it was often on my brain. For the first time, I also used #oneword with my students. At the start of 2019, when we returned from winter break, they all came up with words and we were intentional about them as well- focusing on whatever word they chose, being mindful of it, revisiting it. I think my students helped me stay accountable with my word WILL as well. 

I think I'm heading into this new year ready again to be intentional and thoughtful and start the year off right.

Bring it on, 2020!!! 

Happy New Year, everyone!

Love, Kristin 


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