Dear Carter,
YOU ARE SEVEN. WOWEE! You are not my oldest, but somehow you are getting old too and I’m having a hard time accepting it.
In other school news, you do not fit into the mold of traditional expected behavior. Sitting the right way in a chair is hard for you; sitting in a chair at all is hard for you. Being still and quiet for long periods is hard for you. I can imagine that being your teacher is a wild ride. You are smart and quick and witty and participate all the time while also being a bit of a stinker. Your teacher is sensational and gives you so many opportunities to be you. I am SO grateful for that. We’ve also had a few instances where behavior has needed to be talked about. I think that may always be your journey- this loud, energetic, intelligent, thoughtful learner who can be a leader in both positive and negative ways. We need to keep harnessing your good, sweet boy, because there is so much there! Your math skills are crazy… you just get it. It is pure joy to listen to you work through a math problem. Sudoku is a new interest of yours. Dot-2-dot was a HUGE love before that. You are a good reader, but it’s not always something you choose to do. I really love reading with you though.
Just this morning, your friend's mom sent me a text message saying that one of G’s sisters can’t stop talking about you after meeting you at CCD yesterday. That is you, my Bing… a charmer, memorable to anyone who meets you. There are gifts here. You are one of the sweetest people I have met on this earth, truly. Your love has no limits or bounds. You love big, are super loyal, and are expressive with your feelings of love and care. You say ‘I love you’ so much. On the flip side, you yell way too much, can say really hurtful things when you’re angry, and have some explosive tantrums that are epic. We’ve learned that when you can’t control your feelings, it’s best for you to put yourself to bed for 10-15 minutes. Afterwards, you can be reflective and truly remorseful. Everything you do is big. It has always been that way.
Carter, you have many other things you love to do with your time. Pokemon is huge in our house right now. You love talking about cards, trading them, organizing them, etc. You love our hoverboard and are SO good at it. Better than anyone else, truly. Lately, you’ve taken up roller blading and, through practice, are getting pretty good at that too. We’ve gotta get you into liking taking walks and hikes- those are not your jams right now. You’d much rather be on something or using something to help you move. You really like technology-type toys like drones, remote control cars, walkie-talkies.
In this next year, I hope you use your experiences and smart brain to keep your way too big personality in check when it’s time to do that. I think figuring out when it’s okay to be silly or loud or busy with your body is going to be absolutely key in your life journey. I’m right here to support you. I wish that there are more birthday parties, playdates, and field trips in your future. So much of the early elementary school fun has been robbed from you because of this pandemic. I also hope you find things to do that you truly love. I wished that last year too and I don't think we've gotten there yet.. I know we will. Finally, I want you to have friends who see your loyalty, kindness, empathy, and huge heart.
I love being the person that makes you smile big and light up- you are that for me too, Bing. What a special guy you are. Glad I am by your side.
Happy Birthday. I love you so big.
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