To My Four White Sons: Much Good is Expected of You
"From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required. From one to whom much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded." Luke 12:48 I have birthed and am currently raising four white males living, playing, and being educated in a generally socioeconomically advantaged community. They have two supportive parents who love them unconditionally, who work and will work tirelessly expecting their kindness, respect, and compassion. Each of my boys has a support system filled with family and friends who would do anything for them. To say they are "lucky" or "blessed" is an understatement. The second each of these boys was yanked out of my body, doors were open to them immediately just by being born to Josh and me, just by having a light skin color, just by being born into suburbia in The United States of America, and frankly, just by having a penis. That does not mean my children will not struggle, they certainly will and have. That does ...