Preston: Month 9 and 10
I'm not sure if other parents feel this way, but 9 months has been a huge month for all of my boys. Some firsts always seem to occur here- for Nolan it was pulling himself up to stand, for Judah it was mastering crawling, for Carter it was FINALLY doing some regular sleeping and FINALLY enjoying eating solid foods, and for Preston it is waving, clapping, and standing on his own.
I'm wanting to insert the 'face screaming in fear' emoji for all of this.
Interestingly enough, also at 9 months, each of my boys went through a stage where they hated baths. Thankfully, so far, Preston's only lasted like a day or two- seriously, this kid is a fish. Thank GOODNESS we selected Huron as his middle name; I feel it suits him. Also at 9 months, each of my boys began to be HORRIBLE to change. Flopping, scooting, flipping, for each and every diaper change. Preston is here too.
There must be something about this age where babies are really starting to come into their own- really starting to find their personality and their likes and dislikes and are also beginning to be frustrated with just hanging around. They want to move and talk and eat and eat and eat.
What We've Learned About Preston:
This kid is cool- there's no way around it. So far he's been chill, adaptable, happy, and slow to anger. We could ask for more, truly. The hardest thing about him is his desire to grow up way too fast. I think that's par for the course for many younger siblings, but I know he's my last, I know this is it and he just is moving through every stage too quickly!
Like with pureed baby food, for example. He was into that for MAYBE a month and then was done- please give me real food that I can chew even though I don't even have any teeth!
He's also completely uninterested in age-appropriate toys. He wants to play with trains and cars and magnatiles, doctors kits, tools, etc, etc.
These last couple of months Preston has had his eye on walking. He's been pulling himself up to stand and cruising around furniture for a couple of months. Now, he can stand up on his own and has taken a few steps. While it is exciting, it is also just so so sad. In just a month of two, it is likely I will have no crawlers at my house. How did this happen!?!? I've already shed quite a few tears over it. I'm so grateful he's smart and capable and strong, but I really, really, really, love babies and my babyest baby isn't acting like one!
He seems to be someone who knows what he likes- he has very strict preferences on toys, books, and things that will make him laugh.
While I can say we've been pretty lucky this horrible winter and been fairly healthy, Preston has had a stuffy, snotty nose for just weeks and weeks and weeks. I think the combination of teething and just general germs around here has created that. I will be so happy for him when we can air out our house and get him outdoors more as well. It's hard to take a little baby outside when it's only 10 degrees, or -5 so he's been quite a shut-in since mid-January. The only time he's really out and about most days is to go back and forth dropping off and picking up everyone from school. He sure does spend a lot of time in the elementary school carline.
Some Firsts:
What I've Learned About Being a Mom:
I've reflected and blogged about time and how quickly it goes several times, but I keep learning that lesson over and over. Kids grow Interestingly (or maybe not), I have seemed to enjoy the baby stage more with each child.
I think that when Nolan and Judah were newborns, because everything was new and because it was times two, it was hard for me to really enjoy it, relish in it. I had no idea what the heck I was doing and two at once is just a lot. When Carter was a newborn, I found myself secretly enjoying the night feedings when just he and I could be together. I knew what to expect and what to anticipate so I was ready to be present in it.
With Preston, because he is last, I am just eating every single thing up trying to burn each new thing into my brain. I find myself just watching him, staring, taking it all in. I will just hold him in front of me, looking at his small fingers and toes, the crinkle of his nose when he smiles, his little tiny teeth and wispy sticking-up hair and I have all the feels.
I saw a quote this morning from Jim Elliot- "Wherever you are, be all there." What a mantra for parenting.
My littlest guy is almost a big guy, but I am soaking everyone moment of the 'little' while I still can...
I'm wanting to insert the 'face screaming in fear' emoji for all of this.
Interestingly enough, also at 9 months, each of my boys went through a stage where they hated baths. Thankfully, so far, Preston's only lasted like a day or two- seriously, this kid is a fish. Thank GOODNESS we selected Huron as his middle name; I feel it suits him. Also at 9 months, each of my boys began to be HORRIBLE to change. Flopping, scooting, flipping, for each and every diaper change. Preston is here too.
There must be something about this age where babies are really starting to come into their own- really starting to find their personality and their likes and dislikes and are also beginning to be frustrated with just hanging around. They want to move and talk and eat and eat and eat.
What We've Learned About Preston:
This kid is cool- there's no way around it. So far he's been chill, adaptable, happy, and slow to anger. We could ask for more, truly. The hardest thing about him is his desire to grow up way too fast. I think that's par for the course for many younger siblings, but I know he's my last, I know this is it and he just is moving through every stage too quickly!
Like with pureed baby food, for example. He was into that for MAYBE a month and then was done- please give me real food that I can chew even though I don't even have any teeth!
He's also completely uninterested in age-appropriate toys. He wants to play with trains and cars and magnatiles, doctors kits, tools, etc, etc.
These last couple of months Preston has had his eye on walking. He's been pulling himself up to stand and cruising around furniture for a couple of months. Now, he can stand up on his own and has taken a few steps. While it is exciting, it is also just so so sad. In just a month of two, it is likely I will have no crawlers at my house. How did this happen!?!? I've already shed quite a few tears over it. I'm so grateful he's smart and capable and strong, but I really, really, really, love babies and my babyest baby isn't acting like one!
He seems to be someone who knows what he likes- he has very strict preferences on toys, books, and things that will make him laugh.
While I can say we've been pretty lucky this horrible winter and been fairly healthy, Preston has had a stuffy, snotty nose for just weeks and weeks and weeks. I think the combination of teething and just general germs around here has created that. I will be so happy for him when we can air out our house and get him outdoors more as well. It's hard to take a little baby outside when it's only 10 degrees, or -5 so he's been quite a shut-in since mid-January. The only time he's really out and about most days is to go back and forth dropping off and picking up everyone from school. He sure does spend a lot of time in the elementary school carline.
Some Firsts:
- waving (January)
- Trip to Disneyworld
- clapping (early February)
- standing on his own
- first steps (early March)
- first time trying Pavona conies (early March)
What I've Learned About Being a Mom:
I've reflected and blogged about time and how quickly it goes several times, but I keep learning that lesson over and over. Kids grow Interestingly (or maybe not), I have seemed to enjoy the baby stage more with each child.
I think that when Nolan and Judah were newborns, because everything was new and because it was times two, it was hard for me to really enjoy it, relish in it. I had no idea what the heck I was doing and two at once is just a lot. When Carter was a newborn, I found myself secretly enjoying the night feedings when just he and I could be together. I knew what to expect and what to anticipate so I was ready to be present in it.
With Preston, because he is last, I am just eating every single thing up trying to burn each new thing into my brain. I find myself just watching him, staring, taking it all in. I will just hold him in front of me, looking at his small fingers and toes, the crinkle of his nose when he smiles, his little tiny teeth and wispy sticking-up hair and I have all the feels.
I saw a quote this morning from Jim Elliot- "Wherever you are, be all there." What a mantra for parenting.
My littlest guy is almost a big guy, but I am soaking everyone moment of the 'little' while I still can...
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