Dear Judah,
Happy SIXTH birthday! This year you played soccer and like it, but don’t love it… you played T-ball and liked that, but didn’t love it, and started taekwondo and you love that! You’re not the easiest person to figure out- you are kinda cool with whatever and so it’s been hard to figure out just exactly what you might really love to do.

Speaking of things you love to do, there are many things that have stayed the same: reading, playing with cars, playing outside, traveling, going on adventures, swimming, art, riding bikes… and a few additions like all things relating to science. You just light up when you talk about animals, or bugs, or trees, or Earth Day, etc. One new thing you DO NOT like is thrill rides. We learned quickly at Disney that twists, turns, and sudden drops are not something you are into, but put you on It’s a Small World and you are happy as a clam.

 This year brought a huge change called kindergarten!!! You LOVE school and I am so grateful. Going to school all day has been a huge adjustment for us all. The person who’s had the hardest time with it, by far, is me and probably the person who has had the easiest time with it is you. You were excited, not nervous, and have embraced school life to the fullest. Your friendly disposition and your positive attitude have been apparent since you were very tiny, and they sure have served you well at school. I can’t tell you how many times Daddy and I have heard about what a celebrity you are: everyone seems to know you and you seem to know everyone. When we drop you off or pick you up, we watch you hug and high-five so many people, both teachers and kids of all ages. People can tell that you’re kind and warm and open-hearted and are instantly comfortable with you. You, likewise, are unafraid to interact with anyone. You play and play, and you laugh and laugh, and you smile and smile at school. One of my favorite things about you is how comfortable and confident you are socially. You do you: you play with what you want, you dress how you want, you do whatever makes you happy during the day and I think that’s great!

Your progress as a learner has been tremendous and this is wonderful considering that school probably won’t ever be super easy for you. Always the observer, you cannot focus on things for extended periods of time- you will get distracted with a falling snowflake, a passing conversation, or commotion at the table next to you- we are working a lot at home to find strategies to help you get down to business when you need to and stay down to business so that you can show people all that you know. You have to work hard to learn and understand. It’s difficult, as a mom, to ever watch you struggle, but I have to say that you always surpass my expectations and continue to show me how resilient you are. I am always worrying and you are always showing me that you’ve got this.

One of the best things about your year was the birth of Preston. Judah, you are the BEST big brother. I think you were too little for that strength to shine through when Carter was little, but Preston is incredibly lucky to have you. You are attentive, considerate, helpful, and just overwhelmingly kind. You love taking care of “your baby” and often even put his needs ahead of your own. For example, if Preston has an empty tray and is fussy, you will get him food before you feed yourself. You block him from going up the stairs, you report to us if he’s gotten something in his mouth, and you love to give him constant hugs and kisses. I can’t tell you how proud it makes me to watch you with him. I see this care when you are around anyone younger than you

People who don’t live with you might be surprised to learn that you are the most Taurus of all my four Tauruses I am raising. You are FIERCELY stubborn and have been since you were a tiny baby. If you feel a certain way about something, there is NO convincing you. We even got in a whole thing about what day it was. You were convinced it was Thursday when in fact, it was actually Wednesday. Thankfully, your control freak-Type A mother who never gives up or gives in can go toe-to-toe with you ;)

This stubborn-ness, even to a fault, seems to come out more the less sleep you get. You are our first riser almost always and it never matters what time you go to bed. You are still up way.too.early. You refuse to admit you are ever tired even when it’s clear you are deliriously so. It is key your bedtime is early and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.

Judah- we are so thankful for these six years with you- thankful for your giggles, thankful for your big smile, thankful for how proud you are when you succeed at something, thankful for your willingness to try anything. I can’t WAIT to have you home for the summer so we can keep exploring and learning and playing together. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JUDAH BEAN!  

I love you so much,
Mommy (by the way, you have started to call me Mom, can you please stop and go back to Mommy or Mama????)    

PS --> I asked you what your wish was for being six. You told me that you’d like to have gum without asking and also that you want to get better at drawing stars!


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