February TRY: Writing notes

During the month of February, I wrote some kind of note, card, email, or letter each day to someone. 

I knew when I decided to TRY something new every month for my #oneword2020, this task was absolutely going to be one of the months. I picked February because it felt like the perfect time to spread some extra love. Not just because Valentine's Day is during the month, but because I personally find February to be difficult sometimes. 

It feels forever since the warm fuzzy feeling of the holidays. 

It feels like forever since your last gathering with family and friends because people seem to want to do NOTHING in January.

It feels like forever since the sun's been out (although we've had a decent amount of sunlight this particular February).

It feels like forever since everyone in your house was healthy at the same time.

And it feels like forever since it's been warm... like really warm. WHERE ARE YOU SPRING?! WHERE ARE YOU SUMMER?!

Writing kind notes sounded perfect to brighten up other people's days. 

I got into writing the cards to make people I love feel good, but I did not anticipate how much these notes would do for my own soul. Taking time to write birthday cards or a note in a book for baby shower, or good luck on an interview, or an I miss you letter, or an I'm proud of you note, or a note to accompany a little treat or gift brought an incredible amount of joy to ME as well. I knew I'd like doing it because I obviously like to write, but I got so emotional many times doing this TRY. 

There are so many people in my life to be grateful for, so many who are doing amazing admirable things, so many going through difficult times, so many who are embarking on new milestones... all of that deserves acknowledgement. 

I also didn't do this to hear anything from anyone that I wrote to, but I often did, a nice thank you text or email, and that was a lovely, positive, and uplifting bi-product of this TRY. I even got a couple of notes  written back to me.  

I got behind in doing this task. Before February 1st, I sat down and made a list of people I knew I wanted to write to and some dates in February when some of the notes would need to be sent out so that it would arrive in time for a birthday for example. I was hopeful that the rest would be organic. However, because of how much time each card took me (see below in the 'ugly' portion), I did not always do a note a day. Sometimes I didn't do any, other days, I did three. 

I had grand plans of waking each morning and, after doing a little thinking and reflecting, I would know who I'd want to write to and what I'd want to write about. But sometimes I was racing down the driveway so I could beat the mailman to my house ;) I should've known it wouldn't be smooth sailing. 

Writing these cards was hard! I'm not a concise writer and each of these took me a lot of time. I wanted every one to be detailed and thoughtful, kind and individual. Sometimes I would write drafts, other times I would start a card or note and scrap it and start over. These really were a labor of love, which was great, but time to write between sickness, snowdays, work, carting people around, etc was few and far between.

I am a firm believer that one will make time for what matters. This mattered. So, a few times, I got up extra early to write and a few times I ended up writing two or three at a time because I got behind. 

Clearly, there is never too much love to spread around; I could've wrote every day for a year and still felt like there were more people to send love to. I did what I could and I have to be okay with that.  

There are still several more months of #TRY, but I can't see any of them beating how amazing this one was. I loved doing this so very much that I may just need to do it every February or something. I encourage all of you to TRY this. Maybe not to write a note each day, as that was quite an undertaking, but maybe once a week or try to do ten in a month. It will send so much love into the world and bring a ridiculous amount of love back to you as well.

My last note of the month is to you, a reader for these words...
I write because I love it, I write because it helps me process, I write so that many years down the road I can remember small moments with my family and I can share these stories with #hundtboysx4.

The fact that my writing is read by others brings me so much joy. Thank you so much, reader, for taking time out of a busy day to spend a few moments inside my crazy head. I cannot tell you how much it means to me. I have learned that sharing your story is important, being honest is important, being vulnerable is important. There is so much commonality in the subjects I write about: the throngs of motherhood, teaching, the struggles of a type-a worrier, the raising of boys, etc. We all have so much that brings us together. As I used to say a long time ago when writing about infertility and miscarriage, I hope my blog teaches, heals, and connects. 

With appreciation and love,


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