How The Hundts Have Reduced Plastics

The average American tosses 4.4 pounds of trash every day. You multiply that by the six people that live in my house and that's a whole lot of trash! 

The Hundts are really trying to reduce our waste footprint. This isn't easy and takes a lot of intentionality and thought. We are surrounded every day by things trying to make our lives 'easier,' but the opportunity cost is usually that easy equals more waste: frozen meals, take out, plastic silverware, buying things in bulk, online shopping, etc, etc, etc. I am so guilty of every single one of those things (especially the take out and the online shopping- does it make anyone else's head spin how much packaging is in both of those things?!)

Over the last year or so, especially, we've really been trying to reduce and also buy products that are better for the environment and less wasteful. Here are a few products that have been really successful for our #halfdozenhundts crew:

1.) Glass Straws: 
My boys love drinking from straws; straws turn any mundane glass of milk into something exciting around here. To try to lessen our straw waste, we had bought reusable silly straws a while back. Although still made of plastic, they at least have been able to last years instead of one use. 

I went a step farther recently when I bought this pack of glass straws. These glass straws were a collaboration between Jillian Harris and Brook Drabot Glass on Etsy. While this particular set is sold out, Brook Drabot Glass has many other options on her Etsy page. These straws are durable (they've been dropped several times and haven't broken), slightly bent at the top, and the best part is that they have a wider hole than most. They can even be used to drink smoothies or other very cold semi-frozen beverages. They've been a huge hit in our house. 
From Etsy

2.) Reusable Grocery Totes:

I know these have been around forever and I've been using them forever, but what a savior they have been for reducing our plastic bag waste! I always had a few I had bought from Meijer years ago, but have since expanded my collection so I never have to worry about being without a reusable bag wherever I go. If you are in the mid Michigan area, I especially like the ones sold at Tom's- they are green and have fruit on them. They have held up SO SO SO well. 

3.) Bar Shampoo:
This has been a recent experiment for me. Plastic containers of shampoo, conditioner, and body wash bottles are huge and so wasteful so I researched a little and tried Ethique bar shampoo. This bar is completely zero waste. Supposedly, it contains as much shampoo as three bottles. I'm not totally sure I agree with that necessarily, although I have really really thick hair and probably use too much shampoo, but the bar did last quite a while. The shampoo itself is all natural and vegan. They have a variety of products- check them out!  
I didn't love just setting the bar in the shower because I knew the water would waste some of it so I found a container, also sold by Ethique, that holds the bar and is completely made out of bamboo and 100% compostable! 
From Amazon

I have not fully switched over to 100% bar shampoo, conditioner, and body wash, but I'm well on my way. 

4.) Product Refill Bags
When I was pregnant with Preston, I had a total freakout at the kinds of toxins I was putting in my body via the beauty products I was using. This led me to one of my favorite brands: Puracy. This company is out of Austin, Texas and has all natural, plant-based beauty products and household cleaning items. I've tried everything from their dish soap to their lotion. One of my favorite products is their baby/child shampoo. It's been great on Judah's sensitive skin. Although all their products are bottled in plastic, they do offer a large refill bag to reduce the plastic use. I've filled up their shampoo container twice I think and there is still a good amount left in the refill bag. Check out more Puracy products here!

5.) Reusable Ziplock Bags
One of the ways we've really tried to reduce the use of plastic in our house is in the way we pack up food. We were going through so many plastic baggies for snacks, sandwiches, etc, etc. I bought these Loyalmaster Silicon Baggies. I will honestly admit I don't love them- having to close them with the plastic seal is a bit cumbersome and frustrating for the boys. I wish I had gotten some with an easier close. However, these are fully recyclable and don't leak. I haven't been as good at using these to carry things when we are out and about as I do when I am putting food in them at home, but I'm getting there!  
From Amazon

6.) Bentgo Boxes/ Reusable Lunch Containers
Nolan and Judah rarely buy lunch. They aren't consistent enough at eating the lunches I pack with things I know they like so there isn't a lot of trust there that they will eat a bought school lunch. When I was a kid, I also, almost always, brought my lunch from home. I did have a lunch box sometimes, but every single thing inside of it was in a plastic baggie. A baggie for my sandwich, a baggie for my chips, a baggie for my Little Debbie Swiss Roll, etc. I also used a brown paper lunch sack a lot of the time too. All that was thrown away at the end of lunch.

For my boys, I've bought Bentgo boxes that have several compartments to put food in. 

**Sidebar: this should surprise no one, but I am totally one of those people that has to have something in every compartment.** 

These can go back and forth to school and home and have no other wrapping necessary. The food is just all in there and stays separated. When I'm not feeling like filling four or five slots, I also have bought these three compartment containers. We use those a ton as well. Although these products are plastic, we've cut down huge on our lunchtime waste. All of this can just be washed and reused over and over and over. 

We are nowhere near perfect and have so much work to do, but with every change we make, I feel better and better that we are helping do our part to lessen waste and help the environment. What other things or products should #halfdozenhundts try?


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