Dear Preston,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! This birthday seems really special, I think, because it’s the first one you’ve really been talking about and looking forward to. We even have a countdown on the wipe board near our calendar. This will likely be the first birthday you will remember and your understanding of getting older and getting bigger is more for this birthday than any other one you’ve had. 


Being three is often very hard for both the kid and the parents and you were no exception my sweet boy. I think you were our hardest three-year-old, which is actually saying a lot ;) This last year or two have been filled with a lot of big emotions, tantrums, destruction, and many unkind words. We have ALL (this includes your brothers) been very patient with you and have really been trying to teach you how to label your feelings and be able to handle them in a way that doesn’t hurt people or things with your words or your body. It surely hasn’t been easy. I say all of this not to make you feel bad, but to say that this is what being three (and maybe two) is all about. We are seasoned enough in our parenting and child stages to know this is temporary. 

In fact, both your dad and I have been talking about how much fun it is to be around you lately. You have really turned a corner in the last couple of months. You are doing some amazing imaginative play, you are able to sit and really enjoy a game with us or your brothers, and have lit up with joy and laughter much more often than you are upset and in some big feelings. I always love spending time with you and am so grateful for our mornings together before I go to work, but lately, it's been even more fun! I think being four is going to suit you really well. 


Preston, you are into so many things. Drawing and reading books are things you enjoy. You love to play games where you hide in a blanket. Sometimes that’s being a frog. Other times it’s being a little baby. Or, maybe you are hiding from a tickle monster. You also love to wrestle with your dad. You bake with me, shop with me, do the dishes with me, and are actually a very clean little guy. You like to play games like “Seek-A-Boo,” “Hungry, Hungry Hippos,” “Zingo,” matching games. Magna Tiles and playing with cars are your jam too. Today even, when asked what you wanted to do, your response was that you wanted to play with Magna Tiles. Daddy offered to play with you and you said, “I’m just going to see what I build all by myself.”  Just recently, because it was Easter, I was hiding eggs for you around the house for you to hunDt and you LOVED it. Then, you hid the eggs for me and put most of them on the dining room table ;) 

Even though you love playing with Dad and me, playing with your brothers FAR surpasses playing with us. Anything they want to do, you are game. You have a special and different relationship with each of your brothers. With Nolan you like to play tag-type games and Pokemon. Nolan lights up when you ask to play with him. When you are with Judah, you like to watch TV shows together, play board games like “Seek-A-Boo” and play in the basement playroom with Barbies or marbles or cars. Finally, with Carter, you both also like to play in the basement playroom and play pretend games. For as many bad habits as they may have taught you, they’ve taught you way more great and positive things. 


You are particular and once you have something set in your mind for how things are supposed to be, you stick with it with relentless perseverance. For example, a very long time ago, you decided you weren’t going to eat any lunch at daycare. Here we are months later and you still aren’t eating a thing. Not even a bite. You eat snack just fine. You cannot be talked into wearing something you don’t want to wear or doing something you don’t want to do. You have mostly dropped naps at this point (it’s been a gradual process over the last several months), but maybe squeak one in once a week, which is glorious. 

This year has been huge for you… a lot has changed in your world. Since the fall, your brothers have been back in school full time, Mommy went back to work, and you started daycare. All of those are new and were big deals. Daycare has been the most difficult. I don’t blame you really because when you get to daycare, you were pretty much asked to go right to resting/sleeping. In March, you were moved to the bigger class (that doesn’t nap) and that’s been such a better fit for you. I can’t tell you how heartbreaking it’s been, as you mom, to walk away from you while you are crying not wanting to stay at daycare. I’m so happy now you just pop out from behind me (you like to surprise everyone), hug me tight and tell me you’re going to miss me.


I am so proud of you. You’ve been asked to be shuffled to a lot of places, be out of the house so much (after basically never leaving the house since you were born), and are learning an incredible amount of new things. You just counted to twenty-nine right before I dropped you off at Miss Hilarie’s today. Earlier in the week, you were showing me all the letters you know. It was crazy! Somehow, despite all that you are asked to do, you are handling things with huge smiles and big laughs. It’s been really nice, especially lately, for you to be able to show that joyous side of you a ton more. I love how you ask questions, how much you love to play and make people laugh, and all the “squeezes” you give all of us. 

I hope four brings you a ton of learning. I can’t wait to keep practicing counting and letters with you and maybe even start to do some math and reading. I also hope you learn to ride a bike all by yourself this year. You zoom around on your balance bike so well… I think you’re close! This next year is the last year I will have anyone in my house not in school full time. Because of that, I hope you and I have so many adventures together and soak up this really special time like a sponge. I LOVE having only one child at home… it’s something I’ve never ever had before. 

Happy birthday, Pook-A-Loo. We all love you so very much.

Being your mommy is my greatest honor.



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